Meet the Cats
Current Resident Kitties and Their Stories

Sweat Pea is an 8 mo kitten who we trapped in Baltimore, MD near the employee parking garage for Johns Hopkins Hospital. There are several ferals in the area that are taken care of but lately there were a few new cats/kittens that seemed to be in distress. So, we put out a humane live trap and within a few days we trapped a very small and thin kitten in the trap! She very clearly had not been touched before and was extremely fearful. After a few months of patience, love, and understanding she is a little love bug- sitting on my chest and purring! She is now UTD on vaccines, dewormed, and a healthy weight!
She was spayed and chipped Jan 2025. She has her forever home and will not spend a cold winter on the streets of Baltimore.
Ivy was obtained from the same Johns Hopkins Hospital employee parking garage as Sweat Pea in Baltimore, MD in March of 2022. She was meowing at people for help but was afraid of humans.
It took several hours to earn enough of her trust to coax her out of the bushes enough to catch her. We caught her using a winter coat, put her in our truck, and then kept her inside a box with food and water inside a friends office until we were able to leave work. We took her to the vet the next day as we saw a small puncture wound on her back. She had a microchip, the vet called and the owner of the chip said she put her outside on purpose because she didnt want her anymore. That person adopted her from a local rescue recently where she was originally surrendered as her original owner had passed away and the family did not want her. She is a very independent kitty and comes to be pet when she wants but easily gets overstimulated and will bite/scratch if she gets too many pets.
She's allowed to be herself and have her own space now. She is happy to be warm and loved!
Piña was adopted from York County ASPCA of Pennsylvania as a kitten under the name "Mango." She was described by the shelter as very shy and unsure about humans. We were looking for a companion to Java as she was attending med school with Peyton and would need a playmate. We were the 10th person that filled out an application to adopt and the onyl one to answer the call from the ASPCA. When I went to meet her, she did originally hide from me and was very unsure. However, she very quickly warmed up to me after some playtime. She very quickly was zooming so quickly around the room that all you saw was a flash of white before she disappeared behind another object. All the staff were stopping in the hallway surprised to see the shy cat have zoomies. We adopted her after the meeting and she very quickly bonded with Java.
She is the most mischievous cat in the crew. She steals any and all clothing/fabric, drags it to the water bowl, and then drags it under the bed. She also enjoys playing in the water and is often found with her entire front half soaking wet.

Squeege was adopted from Carroll County ASPCA through a Petsmart adoption center! She was Joey's first cat. She is extremely bonded to him and is a very friendly cat as she grew up in a college dorm where people came and went often. She loves to take naps, eat Churus, and overall supervise the house.
Java or Pi'veh was adopted as a kitten from Squishy Face Paws in VA as a kitten. She was the last adoptable animal at the event and no one wanted to adopt her as she was a black cat and was extremely petrified. She was hiding the entire event and would shake in fear when uncovered. Peyton held her under her jacket the 4hr ride back to the Farm and she was shaking in fear for the first half of the ride before she fell asleep. She was tiny for her age and so Peyton named her Pi'veh which is Vulcan (Star Trek) for "Little One." She is the "mommy cat" acting as both a mom and a playmate for all the other cats. She is extremely bonded to Peyton and can be found nearby at all times. She however is still an extremely fearful cat when it comes to strangers, grooming, nail clipping, or anything new.
However, she loves her mom and her friends and has plenty of safe spaces to go to if she gets scared.
Lynx is a 4 yo cat who we adopted from Squishy Face Paws in VA when she was a kitten. Her foster mom specifically asked us to adopt her due to her independent and mischievous personality. She has grown and changed a lot since she was adopted. While she is still independent and mischeavous, she has become quite the puppy for attention.
Whether that's cuddling while watching TV, trying to sneak food off the counter, or playing fetch with hairbands she certainly is one of the Queens of the house.

Reaper's age and most of his story before encountering our sanctuary is unknown. He was found as part of a feral community colony near where Peyton goes to medical school. She slowly befriended him by feeding him and giving him an insulated shelter to be in. However, his behavior wasn't like that of any of the other truly feral cats. He LOVED to be pet and would roll around in the grass asking for belly rubs... It was only a trick sometimes. Then winter came and it was cold. Reaper began to try to walk into the apartment even with the dogs standing at the door. He even jumped into the car! These behaviors can be dangerous for outdoor cats as it shows a lack of fear for situations that can pose a true danger to an outdoor cat. After scanning him for a chip and not finding one, managing to slip a AirTag collar to track him to make sure he wasn't going to a home, and then catching him, he was taken to the vet! We can tell he was already neutered by the tipped ear but he got dewormed, vaccines, and bloodwork.
He is now slowly adjusting to the sanctuary squad and seems to be very pleased to be inside with toys and plenty of love!