Get Involved
We support our mission mainly through our own paychecks which makes any donation or gift from our wishlist that much more appreciated!!
Please feel free to check out the current best ways to help us support our mission and help however you can! Every like, share, gift, and dollar is greatly appreciated and put directly back into the care of our residents and the ability to add more pets in need of homes to our sanctuary!
Dedicate Your Time, Old Equipment, or Expertise!
We have a lot of OLD Equipment in disrepair that we are attempting to fix up for use on our farm! We NEED this equipment to continue to repair the land and make more space for new residents! However, YouTube and dedication can only go so far! If you have old equipment, parts, or expertise in fixing tractors, haybines, haybalers or other farm equipment.... WE WOULD LOVE if you donated your time, knowledge, parts, or old equipment to help us out!

Sponsor a Resident
Under Development!
Check back soon!